How Camida removed a resource-intensive step from this life science manufacturer’s production process


Playing a pivotal role in the country’s burgeoning life science sector, our client is one of the country’s leading healthcare companies, and one of the principal active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturers.

Part of the API production process requires specific chemical solutions, which are not commercially available, and which required our client to order in the necessary raw materials and produce themselves on site. This took up a lot of valuable time, resources, and energy that they wanted to focus on the API manufacturing process itself, and not the creation of its ingredients.

What our client really wanted was to find a supplier who could source and provide the chemical compounds and solutions they needed, ready-made and ready to go into production, to the high standards of quality they demand with all of the requisite documentation and regulatory requirements associated.

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Camida has always been a customer-driven company, and what really drives us is when the needs of our customers are complex. We’re not simply in the business of supplying chemical products. Where we excel is in navigating supply chain complexities and finding solutions that not only meet but exceed our clients’ requirements.

In this case, we worked with approved raw material suppliers and a third-party blender in our network to formulate the chemical solution to the client’s exact specification, using testing methods that mirrored those employed by the client on site. At every step of the process, the Camida team controlled all aspects of the sourcing, specification, inspection, and logistics, ensuring that the materials reached the manufacturing plant on time and to spec.


The outcome of this project has been a level of customer satisfaction that has resulted in an ongoing working relationship that is fast becoming a true partnership. While Camida does supply this client with more day-to-day chemical requirements, every time there is a call for something more complex and demanding they turn to us. The reason is trust.

No matter how complicated the ask, or impossible sounding the requirement, they know they can pick up the phone and ask us if it can be done. They trust us to investigate if something is not just possible, but feasible, and that if we say it can be done, it will.

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