How Camida optimised supply logistics for a global manufacturer


Our client is the global innovator behind many of the world’s leading household names in hair care products, laundry detergents, and fabric softeners, as well as some of the most well-known adhesives, sealants, and functional coatings which they produce right here.

The issue they had was that there were over 7,000 suppliers providing the raw materials to manufacture these adhesive products. This posed a colossal management challenge, not just in terms of the logistical obstacles it created, but also risk management, quality, and the exceptionally high level of communication required. With a strong desire to reduce and consolidate their number of suppliers, our client turned to us.


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What makes Camida a strong partner is that we are supremely agile and flexible, able to seamlessly adapt our processes to those of our clients and set up new vendors with speed.

For this particular client we put together a compact, dedicated team with individual experts focused on sales, sourcing, quality, and logistics with, most importantly, just one point of contact. This made it possible for us to take over the management of their suppliers, responding to queries rapidly and knowledgeably on their behalf, and alleviate the pressures of handling multiple vendors and products.


Camida has become a global preferred distributor for speciality chemicals for this client. Optimising their supplier portfolio has created more risk transparency, standardised price lists and processes, and greatly improved logistics.

Within the first three years of our arrangement, Camida had replaced over 150 vendors and gone from supplying just four products to this client to over 250 across more than 20 sites globally.


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